

If this parameter is null the value of the Url: String (default = null) - The location of the module, expressed as a URL. If the module has already been loaded, this method does nothing. It as a child with the addElement() method. When the module is finished loading, the ModuleLoader adds Public function loadModule(url: String = null, bytes: ByteArray = null): void Implementation public function get trustContent(): Boolean public function set trustContent(value: Boolean): void When this property is modified, it dispatches the trustContentChanged event. This property can be used as the source for data binding. Most importantly, the loaded content cannotĪccess your objects and code, which is the safest scenario.ĭo not set this property to true unless you are absolutely sure of the safety The default value is false, which means loadĪny content without failing, but you cannot access the content.


It will not start a new load on already loaded content. This property only has an affect on the next load, This means that the load fails if the content is in another domainĪnd that domain does not have a crossdomain.xml file allowing your Only a single copy of the module SWF file is transferred over the network by using the The ModuleLoader is connected to deferred instantiation and ensures that Implemented can be used to create multiple instances of the child class SWF file implements IFlexModuleFactory and that the factory That it follows a contract with the loaded content. ModuleLoader is a component that behaves much like a SWFLoader except Modules are not supported for AIR mobile applications.


ModuleLoader Group GroupBase UIComponent FlexSprite Sprite DisplayObjectContainer InteractiveObject DisplayObject EventDispatcher Object
