
Poor netiquette
Poor netiquette

poor netiquette poor netiquette
  1. #Poor netiquette how to
  2. #Poor netiquette code

My mother, bless her Victorian heart, would have put it in terms of 'good breeding.' 'How you speak and write tells everything about who you are,' she would say. Here are some great resources on netiquette: Whether you call it 'netiquette' or 'net etiquette,' making nice on the Internet reveals more than good grammar. Want more on netiquette? Want to test your knowledge? Here is a great quiz from Albion: Is it one student? A few students? The entire online class? And finally, it is always good to respond to people by name so it is clear who you are trying to communicate with. Respect other peoples time and bandwidth. Being more forgiving is also very important as well as always having a positive welcoming tone. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. You may even want to take this one step further to the platinum rule which is treating everyone how they would like to be treated. Respect confidentiality!ġ0.Be Polite- The golden rule should apply in your online classes as well as you should treat everyone how you would like to be treated. This leads to good discussions and overall learning. Don’t forget to cite and paraphrase them using APA Format. Remember, your written words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication. Also, it is always important to support all of your ideas and opinions with documented research and facts. Rule 1: Remember the Human When communicating electronically, whether through email, instant message, discussion post, text, or some other method, practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. You might not agree on certain issues, but you can always agree to disagree and move on. Posting a positive comment rather than a negative one just might make someone's day.9.Never Discriminate!- Most online institutions have strict policies on any kind of harassment or discrimination based on racism, sexism, or homophobia.

#Poor netiquette how to

No one needs to know that you're uncertain about how to use a comma versus a. In summary, good netiquette benefits both you and others on the Internet. Adding me to your list without my permission. Remember – if you post offensive remarks online and the veil of anonymity is lifted, you will have to answer for the comments you made. While some users may feel like they can hide behind their keyboard or smartphone when posting online, the fact is they are still the ones publishing the content. But that is not an excuse for having poor manners or posting incendiary comments. The Internet provides a sense of anonymity since you often do not see or hear the people with whom you are communicating online. If someone asks a question and you know the answer, offer to help.Instead, break the cycle with a positive post. Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments.All the issues become amplified when you take into account the wide global reach of social media. Stick to the topic when posting in online forums or when commenting on photos or videos, such as YouTube or Facebook comments. These days, it’s inexcusable to allow bad manners, poor behavior, and forgotten etiquette.Don't troll people in web forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying them.Show good sportsmanship when playing online games, whether you win or lose.Never spam others by sending large amounts of unsolicited email.You need to ensure that Netiquette practices are amended and modified with regard to changing technological developments. Teach them to respect and use this mode of communication effectively. Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information, photos, or videos that another person may not want published online. Explain to them if someone were to write the same content to them, how they would feel.Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive comments online (a.k.a flaming).Below are ten examples of rules to follow for good netiquette: While there is no official list of netiquette rules or guidelines, the general idea is to respect others online. This includes several aspects of the Internet, such as email, social media, online chat, web forums, website comments, multiplayer gaming, and other types of online communication.

#Poor netiquette code

Netiquette is short for "Internet etiquette." Just like etiquette is a code of polite behavior in society, netiquette is a code of good behavior on the Internet.

Poor netiquette